#hello, my name is


Created with Sketch.

#I am

#an artist.

I draw, paint, take photos, make 3d models, videos and visual effects, games, and 3d renders. I love art in all its forms and try to immerse myself in as many as I can, though I usually end up in the visual arts more often than the musical or dramatic.

#a programmer.

Programming was one of my earliest hobbies and it has stuck with me throughought my life. I started in Scratch when I was only ~10 years old, and now do everything from graphics programming for games & generative art in Rust to binary reverse engineering to front and backend web development.

#a student.

Though I'm no longer in a formal education program, I still try to bring the mindset of a student to everything I do. I am tremendously curious and love to learn, enjoying and excelling in subjects as broad as drawing, painting, animation, computer science, physics, math, and astronomy.